Luxury holiday villas
Luxury resort in the middle of nature
Luxury vacation villas by the sea, in the middle of nature



Do you want to cancel your stay? This can happen of course. We would like to receive your cancellation request online so that we can process it quickly for you.


Please note: When you fill in the form below, your reservation will be definitively cancelled at the applicable cancellation conditions. You are not requesting a voucher or rebooking with this cancellation.


Before you cancel, we would like to inform you about our general cancellation conditions:

25% of the total rental price for a cancellation more than 3 months before the agreed arrival date;
50% of the total rental price for a cancellation within 3 to 2 months before the agreed arrival date;
60% of the total rental price for a cancellation within 2 to 1 months before the agreed date of arrival;
90% of the total rental price for a cancellation within 4 to 2 weeks before the agreed date of arrival;
100% of the total rental price for a cancellation less than 2 weeks before the agreed date of arrival.

Please send us your booking details:


Cancel your reservation

Details of your current booking
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